
the hall to change back Jody was blue! Personally, I'd love to try it, but I've decided to go ice skat- ing in May or June.

Gisele and her GG have been staying with us for a few days in NY...amazing how TV's with understand- ing wives can get along! We blend so nicely! You get to feel that they are part of the family...You won't believe this but their little girl (4 year old Sigrid) is also staying with us...Gisele is ser- iously considering hiring a professional food taster to protect Sigrid at the dining table. (She's read Susanna's thoughts on children!) I can't understand it, but Sigrid is winning the battle. I guess ex- ceptions do nothing but confirm the rule. (No little kid is going to make me give up my pet theory! So there!)....

Late February saw a dazzling TV get-together at Sheila's... Susanna was in heaven, she arrived escorted by Theresa's brother...she wore a sleeve- less golden suit which turned out to be awful when photographed...present were Sheila and her GG Clarissa whose warm welcoming smile really melted the icicles on that cold February night...Dorothy Ann and her GG Dot...Ellen from Cleveland. Sandra ...Jody...Heidi...Gisele's brother (who cruelly mailed her wardrobe from Europe to Chicago and left Gisele in object poverty) and of course her sweet GG Cynthia....


Gisele proposes the following question to all readers..."Do you femme-dream? And if so, do you see yourself as a GG or as a TV?" Gisele's theory is that the TS will see himself as a GG...not so the TV. Doctor Benjamin has shown interest in this sub- ject. It might contain a few additional answers as to who is who and what is what. Would you care to drop me a card on the subject so that I can pass it on to Dr. Benjamin?


...TV quarrels being made